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July 25, 2005


My apologies for getting the citation wrong. I've corrected that.
On your other comments, we do know about the Linux shows. They've been around for years. When they announce something I feel is pertinent to the audience over here, I'll post it. Doesn't happen all that frequently.
This blog's audience is decidedly not techie. Our industry has no wikis, few blogs with critical mass and a history of being the penultimate adopter of just about anything new. My role with TSMR when it comes to tech trends is to simply say, "Psst... there's something out here you ought to take a look at."
I have recently done numerous posts on events like Gnomedex and Supernova, both of which appeared to elicit an audeince response of "Oh hell, more of this crap again." Much of my audience would rather read about industry gossip, M&A activity and case studies on traditional marketing than about tech trends and social movements that don't affect their next show.
So when I do post on events like OpenTech, it is to point out specific WIIFM attributes that might grab the attention of this group. Thus my focus on open source maps, which is relevant.
When Space Hijackers puts a gallery in Chicago's McCormick Place (or the NEC for that matter) and post the moblog on it, we'll think about covering it.
That said, I appreciate your coming over here to point out what I missed in the original post.

1) The main reason Open Tech didn't get much repss was that we were more concerned with getting people to learn things by being there. however, all the talks were recorded, so when then mp3/ogg/aac versons are available you'll see some mentions in the UK press.

2) Tom's comment is spot on - Open Tech was not intended to be a trade show, it was simply a one-day meeting of technically-literate people discussing what they've been doing recently in the world open systems, and what they plan to do next. Afterwards, some of us went for beer and a curry, and then we missed the last tube home.

3) The vast, vast majority of the organisation was done by email (cc:, not even a mailing list). There was a small amount of wiki usage, and we exchanged maybe 20 SMS text messages and a few phone calls. The registration was done using a simple Perl script. We also used paper, pencils and blue tack extensively.

At the risk of being labelled an "antiglobalization twerps", I'd like to point out that the quote you attribute to the organisers is in fact from my article, and I am most certainly not an organiser!

I'd also like to point out that there are endless trade shows for "open source" all year round, all over the world. Look for LinuxWorld exhibitions, for example, which are organised by an army of hackers and trade show types.

Finally, OpenTech != "open source trade show". Your definition of open source is far more narrow than the range of subjects discussed at open tech.

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