I expect we'll be doing a lot of "Your PR Sucks" posts in the coming months. I'm leading a session at the IAEM annual on exactly this topic.
I was going to aim the content primarly towards organizers, but from Tim's laments on talking to PR staffs at exhibitor prospects, maybe I should direct some questions toward IAEM exhibitors as well.
Have you ever called your PR agency to see what they're saying about you or whether they can answer questions about your company intelligently? If you haven't, pick up the phone now and give it a try.
I'm surprised some of the start-up tech companies Tim is pursuing bother to hire PR agencies. One of the key attributes found at start-ups is product evangelism. Why take that enthusiasm out of the equation by passing off inquiries to a third-party PR firm?
Not that I have a ton of experience with startups and tech firms, but during the couple of years I ran marketing at Passkey, we did it all ourselves. And we got a ton of press (which Dahlia continues to generate on her own, bless her heart).